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A. Summary of Notice Required

1. Notice shall be required for applications for development approval as shown in the table below.





Comprehensive Plan Amendment

Zoning Map Change, including an initial zoning map change

Site Plan

Minor Special Use Permit

Major or Transportation Special Use Permit


Appeal of Administrative Decision

Major Works Certificate of Appropriateness

Historic District Designation

Historic Landmark Designation

Historic Properties Local Review Criteria Text Amendment

Historic District Preservation Plan Text Amendment

UDO or Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment

Vested Rights Determination

Rectification Report

Reasonable Accommodation

Street Closing

Street Renaming


Statutory Development Agreement

2. Exceptions to the table above are as follows:

a. Mailed notice for site plans shall be required only for major site plans pursuant to paragraph 3.7.3B, Major Site Plans.

b. Posting and mailing for Comprehensive Plan amendments shall be required only for amendments that change a Tier designation or place type map designation without an associated zoning map change.

c. For Appeal of Administrative Decision, posting is not required when the appeal is not site specific.

B. Public Notice Requirements

1. Published Notice

An advertisement shall be placed by the Planning Department in a local newspaper of general circulation once a week for two successive calendar weeks, the first notice being published not less than 10 days nor more than 25 days before the date fixed for the public hearing.

2. Mailed Notice

a. Mailed Notice Table

The director of the appropriate department or designee shall provide notification as indicated in the notification table below:


Mailing Range

Subject Property, if Applicable

Distance of Property From Subject Property2 (ft.)

Comprehensive Plan Future Place Type Map or Tier Map Amendment


Zoning Map Change, including an Initial Zoning Map Change


Site Plans1


Board of Adjustment


Governing Body Quasi-Judicial Hearings


Historic District Designation; Neighborhood Protection Overlay


Historic Landmark Designation and Certificate of Appropriateness (Major Works)

All adjacent properties3

Historic District Preservation Plan Text Amendment

All adjacent properties3

Vested Rights Determination

All adjacent properties3



Street Closing

All adjacent properties4

Street Renaming

All adjacent properties

Statutory Development Agreement


1Mailed notice shall be required only for major site plans pursuant to paragraph 3.7.3B, Major Site Plans.

2When the extent of the buffer falls within the right-of-way, the property adjacent to the opposing side of the right-of-way shall be included for notification.

3Properties are “adjacent” even if separated by a street, railroad, or other transportation corridor.

4Mailed notices shall comply with the standards set forth in the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS).

b. Mailed Notices

(1) All mailed notification shall be performed through first class mail utilizing the County property tax listings for property ownership.

(2) Where the tax records reflect a different mailing address for an owner of the property and the actual property address, then notification shall also be mailed to the address of the property itself in addition to the property owner address, unless the property is vacant.

(3) If accurate individual mailing addresses of the residents of multifamily properties are not readily available, then the property shall be posted with a resident notice sign in the right‐of‐way immediately adjacent to the multifamily property. The resident notice sign shall be posted in accordance with paragraph 3.2.5B.3.

c. The notice shall be mailed at least 14 but not more than 25 days prior the date of the public hearing.

d. Mailed notice under this section shall not be required if a zoning map change directly affects more than 500 properties owned by a total of at least 500 different property owners, and the Planning Director or designee elects to use the following expanded published notice requirements:

(1) An advertisement of not less than one-half page may be placed in a local newspaper of general circulation once a week for two successive calendar weeks, the first notice being published not less than 10 days nor more than 25 days before the date fixed for the public hearing.

(2) In addition to the published notice, the Planning Director or designee shall post one or more signs on or immediately adjacent to the subject area reasonably calculated to give public notice of the proposed change in accordance with paragraph 4.c., Posted Notice, below rather than the notice required pursuant to subsection 3, Posted Notice (Sign), below.

(3) Mailed notice shall be provided by first class mail to property owners who reside outside of the newspaper’s circulation area.

3. Posted Notice (Sign)

A sign noticing the public hearing shall be prominently posted by the director of the appropriate department, or designee, not less than 14 days prior to the public hearing at which the application shall be reviewed. The sign shall be posted on the property or at a point visible from the nearest improved public street. Where a site fronts along multiple improved public streets, one sign is required for each street frontage, unless such street frontage has limited access and poses unsafe conditions for posting such as, but not limited to, freeways and expressways. In the case of multiple parcels, sufficient signs shall be posted to provide reasonable notice to interested persons.

4. Content of Notice

a. Published or Mailed Notice

Except for applications in paragraph b below a published or mailed notice shall provide at least the following:

(1) A general description or address of the location of the land that is the subject of the application and, for mailed notice, a location map;

(2) A description of the action requested;

(3) Where a zoning map change or a Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map amendment is proposed, the current and proposed designations;

(4) The time, date and location of the public hearing;

(5) A phone number to contact the Planning Director or designee;

(6) A statement that interested parties may appear at the public hearing; and

(7) A statement that substantial changes to the proposed action may be made following the public hearing.

b. Published Notice for UDO, Comprehensive Plan, Historic District Preservation Plan, or Historic Properties Local Review Criteria Text Amendments

A published notice shall include the following specific information:

(1) A summary description of the proposed change;

(2) The time, date and location of the public hearing;

(3) A phone number to contact the Planning Director or designee;

(4) A statement that interested parties may appear at the public hearing; and

(5) A statement that substantial changes to the proposed action may be made following the public hearing.

c. Posted Notice

Required posted notices shall indicate the following:

(1) A case number;

(2) Type of action; and

(3) A phone number to contact the Planning Director, or designee.

C. Minor Defects in Notice

Minor defects in notice shall not impair the notice or invalidate proceedings pursuant to the notice if a bona fide attempt has been made to comply with applicable notice requirements. For instances where notice was not executed per the Durham Unified Development Ordinance but meets the requirement set forth in the North Carolina General Statutes, notice will be deemed legally sufficient.

D. Public Notification Service

Any organization or individual may register with the Planning Department to receive, at a minimum, a monthly electronic notification.

1. The notification shall contain the scheduled public hearings for the procedures listed in paragraph 3.2.5A, Summary of Notice Required, and major site plans.

2. To be eligible for registration, the applicant must provide the notification information required by the Planning Department.

3. Each organization or individual is responsible for providing updated information to the Planning Department in order to continue receiving notice.

4. The information provided shall be consistent with paragraph 3.2.5B.4, Content of Notice, as applicable for the specific application.

E. Required Hearing

1. A legislative public hearing or a quasi-judicial hearing shall be required for development review as shown in the table below.

Applications for Approval

Historic Preservation Commission

Board of Adjustment

Planning Commission

Governing Body

Transportation Special Use Permit


Comprehensive Plan Adoption/Amendment

Zoning Map Change

Minor Use Permit


Major Special Use Permit




Appeal of Administrative Decision


Historic District Designation

Historic Landmark Designation

Certificate of Appropriateness (Major Works)


UDO Text Amendment

Historic District Preservation Plan Text Amendment


Historic Preservation Local Review Criteria Text Amendment

Site-Specific Vested Rights Determination3

Reasonable Accommodation



Street Closing

Street Renaming

Statutory Development Agreement


1Requires a quasi-judicial hearing.

2Required only if associated with adding or removing a local historic district designation.

3Or as required in Sec. 3.20, Vested Rights.

4Only if associated with a zoning map change or modifies an Ordinance standard, per Sec. 3.26, Statutory Development Agreement.

2. The day of the public hearing shall be considered the day the hearing is originally advertised for, unless a deferral is granted by the governing body upon a request that follows the procedures set forth in this Ordinance regarding timely submission of requests for deferrals.